JavaScript ES 2017: Learn Object.keys, Object.values, and Object.entries

ES 2017 introduces two new Object methods. Learn how to use them in less than three minutes in this JS Quickie

Brandon Morelli


keys — photo by Andrew Worley


In JavaScript, an object is a collection of related data that is stored in key/value pairs. Here’s the object we’ll be working with in this tutorial. It’s an object that contains the largest cities in the world, and their respective populations:

const population = {
tokyo: 37833000,
delhi: 24953000,
shanghai: 22991000

As a refresher, the left entries(city names) are the keys, and the right entries (populations) are the values.


This method is actually not new to ES 2017, but it’s worth noting. Object.keys() is a simple way to iterate over an object and return all of the object’s keys. Here’s how it works:

Object.keys(population);// ['tokyo', 'delhi', 'shanghai']


Based off the above example, you can hopefully now guess what Object.values() does. It iterates over the object and returns the object’s values! Here it is in action:

Object.values(population);// [37833000, 24953000, 22991000]


Why not both? Object.entries() iterates over the Object to return both keys and values at the same time in an Array of Arrays:

Object.entries(population);// [['tokyo', 37833000],['delhi', 24953000],['shanghai', 22991000]]

Want more advanced JavaScript?

Check out: A Beginners Guide to Advanced JavaScript

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Creator of @codeburstio — Frequently posting web development tutorials & articles. Follow me on Twitter too: @BrandonMorelli