8 JavaScript Alternatives for Web Developers to Consider

Natalia Kharchenko
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2018


There are lots of programming languages to choose from, but there is at least one that is used by virtually everyone. When it comes to front-end development, hardly any programmer can do without JavaScript, which is a universal solution for web interfaces creation. Moreover, it is often treated as the only solution of this kind. However, there some alternatives to JavaScript that do their job rather well. In this article, we’ll briefly review those ones that are definitely worth a closer look.

JavaScript Overview

Before discussing alternative options, it is necessary to say a couple of words about JS and its key features that make it the most powerful tool for front-end web development. Broadly speaking, JavaScript is used for creation of all types of interactive elements of websites. In particular, it allows executing the following tasks:

  • creating all types of online interactive forms — registration forms, questionnaires and other forms that need to be filled by users;
  • tracking users’ actions on the site, such as scrolling, zooming, clicking buttons and so on;
  • accessing HTML-based component and working with them without the need of refreshing the page.

One of the key JS advantages is its full compatibility with most existing browsers. This language has a simple syntax and is easy to use for any purpose.

JavaScript Alternatives and Their Pros and Cons

Despite all the popularity and uniqueness of JavaScript, there are some decent alternative tools that can be used for certain tasks execution. Here are some of them.

1. CoffeeScript

This language is transcomplied into JS. What it does is improving readability of JavaScript and making the code simpler and shorter. CoffeeScript can also be used with Node.js. It is not a modification or a subgroup of JavaScript, though. But if you want to use it for coding, you need to know JavaScript anyway. Drawbacks of CoffeeScript include a need for compilation, a limited feature set and few specialists writing in it.

2. Dart

Dart is a Google’s product that offers a lot of opportunities for constructing well-structured apps. It is a new-gen high-performance language that gives pretty much flexibility to developers. Dart is regularly upgraded by Google, but if compared to JavaScript it still has fewer capabilities and a smaller community.

3. TypeScript

This programming language has been developed by Microsoft. Its primary function is enhancement of JavaScript capabilities, which it is backward compatible with. When compiled to JS, any app written in TypeScript can be viewed in most browsers. It is also compatible with Node.js. TypeScript supports classes and modules connection as well as static type-checking. The community of the language is smaller than that of JavaScript, and coding using this language it more time consuming.

4. ClojureScript

ClojureScript is an implementation of Clojure programming language with a compilation into JavaScript. It emits JS code which is compatible with the compilation mode of the Google Closure compiler. It smoothly works in most browsers, is compatible with mobile platforms and Node, js. It is a simple and powerful programming tool, though not as popular as JavaScript.

5. Opal

It is one of object-oriented languages acting as a transcompiler to JavaScript from Ruby. As developers claim, Opal is developed to complement or completely replace other languages including JavaScript, Java, and C, C++, C#and Eifel. However, as of today, its popularity it low. And still, it is certainly worth mentioning.

6. Elm

Elm is a relatively new functional language used for graphic interface development. Despite its not very long history, it is now actively utilized by web-developers who work with JavaScript. It is easily compiled to JavaScript and offers much flexibility in front-end development. Elm is easy to use and feature a self-formatting code.

7. Kaffeine

If you feel that capabilities of JavaScript are not sufficient for all your tasks completion, try Kaffeine — an effective tool, the main purpose of which is an extension of JavaScript syntax. Its code compiles JavaScript code and makes the process of debugging simpler.

8. Roy

Like many other languages, Roy is compiled to JavaScript. It has been developed as an experimental tool and to a large extent resembles JavaScript. Roy not only makes generation of code simpler, but also has some features of functional languages like pattern matching, whitespace significant syntax and others. Here again, the main problem is low popularity of the language.

Why is JavaScript Better?

As you see, today there are some real (though less popular) alternative to JavaScript. And still, you’ll hardly do without the latter. The reasons for it are not only above-mentioned JavaScript advantages, but also some independent facts:

  • all browsers support JavaScript;
  • JS scripts and plugins are used everywhere by everyone, even by regular users;
  • it has the richest feature set;
  • specialists who can code in JS languages are always in demand.

Finally, JavaScript is regularly upgrading, and new releases allow resolving more and more complicated tasks.

