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Green ceramic bowls containing raw indigo and marigold for dyes
Dyes made from natural materials coalesce to form the pigments used to color wool in Oaxaca, Mexico. Photo credit: Mark Brouch

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A Practical Example of Nullish Coalescing

Mark Brouch
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2020


Nullish coalescing is a brand new logical operator (??) for the JavaScript programming language. It was released along with a whole slew of other new features on April 2nd this year as part of ECMAScript version 2020 (or ES2020).

This new operator is very similar to the logical OR (||) operator, with the exception that it only returns the right-hand side operand when the left-hand side operand evaluates to being nullish. This means that nullish coalescing returns the right-hand side operand when the left-hand side evaluates to undefined or null, but not false, 0, or "" as it will with the logical OR operator.

// These will return the left-hand side operand
// with nullish coalescing, but not OR
false || true // returns true
false ?? true // returns false
0 || true // returns true
0 ?? true // returns 0
"" || true // returns true
"" ?? true // returns ""
// These will return the right-hand side operand
// with nullish coalescing, same as OR
undefined || true // returns true
undefined ?? true // returns true
null || true // returns true
null ?? true // returns true



Published in codeburst

Bursts of code to power through your day. Web Development articles, tutorials, and news.

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