A Simple Guide to ES6 Iterators in JavaScript with Examples
A Guest Post By: Arfat Salman

We are going to analyze Iterators in this article. Iterators are a new way to loop over any collection in JavaScript. They were introduced in ES6 and have become really popular since they are widely useful and are used in various places.
We are going to conceptually understand what iterators are and where to use them with examples. We’ll also see some of its implementations in JavaScript.
Imagine that you have this array —
const myFavouriteAuthors = [
'Neal Stephenson',
'Arthur Clarke',
'Isaac Asimov',
'Robert Heinlein'
At some point, you will want to get back all the individual values in the array for printing them on the screen, manipulating them, or for performing some action on them. If I ask you how would you do that? You’ll say — it’s easy. I’ll just loop over them using for
, while
, for-of
or one of these looping methods.Example implementations would be —

Now, imagine that instead of the previous array, you had a custom data structure to hold all your authors. Like this —

Now, myFavouriteAuthors
is an object which contains another object allAuthors
. allAuthors
contains three arrays with keys fiction
, scienceFiction
, and fantasy
. Now, if I ask you to loop overmyFavouriteAuthors
to get all the authors, what would your approach be?You can go ahead and try some combination of loops to get all the data.
However, if you did this —
for (let author of myFavouriteAuthors) {
}// TypeError: {} is not iterable
You would get a TypeError
saying that the object is not iterable. Let’s see what iterables are and how we can make an object iterable. At the end of this article, you’ll know how to use for-of
loop on custom objects, and in this case, on myFavouriteAuthors
Iterables and Iterators
You saw the problem in the previous section. There was no easy way to get all the authors from our custom object. We want some kind of method through which we can expose all our internal data sequentially.
Let’s add a method getAllAuthors
in myFavouriteAuthors
that returns all the authors. Like this —

It’s a simple approach. It accomplishes our current task of getting all the authors. However, a few problems can arise with this implementation. Some of them are —
- The name
is very specific. If someone else is making their ownmyFavouriteAuthors
, they may name itretrieveAllAuthors
. - We, as developers, always need to know about the specific method that will return all the data. In this case, it’s named
. getAllAuthors
returns an array of strings of all the authors. What if another developer returns an array of objects in this format —
[ {name: 'Agatha Christie'}, {name: 'J. K. Rowling'}, ... ]
The developer will have to know the exact name and return type of the method that returns all the data.
What if we make a rule that the name of the method and its return type will be fixed and unchangeable?
Let’s name this method — iteratorMethod.
A similar step was taken by ECMA to standardize this process of looping over custom objects. However, instead of using the name iteratorMethod
, ECMA used the name Symbol.iterator
. Symbols offer names that are unique and cannot clash with other property names. Also, Symbol.iterator
will return an object called an iterator
. This iterator will have a method called next
which will return an object with keys value
and done
The value
key will contain the current value. It can be of any type. The done
is boolean. It denotes whether all the values have been fetched or not.
A diagram may help with establishing the relationship between iterables, iterators, and next. This relationship is called the Iteration Protocol.

According to Exploring JS book by Dr Axel Rauschmayer —
- An iterable is a data structure that wants to make its elements accessible to the public. It does so by implementing a method whose key is
. That method is a factory for iterators. That is, it will create iterators. - An iterator is a pointer for traversing the elements of a data structure.
Making objects
So as we learnt in the previous section, we need to implement a method called Symbol.iterator
. We will use computed property syntax to set this key. A short example is —

On line 4, we make the iterator. It’s an object with next
method defined. The next
method returns the value according to step
variable. On line 25, we retrieve the iterator
. On 27, we called next
. We keep calling next until done
becomes true
This is exactly what happens in for-of
loop. The for-of
loops takes an iterable, and creates its iterator. It keeps on calling the next()
until done
is true.
Iterables in JavaScript
A lot of things are iterables in JavaScript. It may not be visible immediately, but if you examine closely, iterables will start to show.
These are all iterables —
- Arrays and TypedArrays
- Strings — iterate over each character or Unicode code-points.
- Maps — iterates over its key-value pairs
- Sets — iterates over their elements
— An array-like special variable in functions- DOM elements (Work in Progress)
Some other constructs in JS that use iterables are —
loop — Thefor-of
loops require an iterable. Otherwise, it will throw aTypeError
for (const value of iterable) { ... }
- Destructuring of Arrays — Destructuring happens because of iterables. Let’s see how.
The code
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
const [first, ,third, ,last] = array;
is equivalent to
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];const iterator = array[Symbol.iterator]();const first = iterator.next().value
iterator.next().value // Since it was skipped, so it's not assigned
const third = iterator.next().value
iterator.next().value // Since it was skipped, so it's not assigned
const last = iterator.next().value
- The spread operator (…)
The code
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];const newArray = [1, ...array, 2, 3];
can be written as
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];const iterator = array[Symbol.iterator]();const newArray = [1];
for (let nextValue = iterator.next(); nextValue.done !== true; nextValue = iterator.next()) {
accept iterables over Promises.- Maps and Sets
The constructor of a Map turns an iterable over [key, value]
pairs into a Map and the constructor of a Set turns an iterable over elements into a Set—
const map = new Map([[1, 'one'], [2, 'two']]);
// oneconst set = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c]);
// true
- Iterators are also a precursor to understanding generator functions.
Making myFavouriteAuthors
Here’s an implementation that makes myFavouriteAuthors
With the knowledge gained from the article, you can easily understand how the iterator is working. The logic may be a bit hard to follow. Hence, I have written comments with the code. But, the best way to internalise and understand the concept is to play with the code in the browser or node.
If you have any problems, just respond to this article! References:
- ExploringJS by Dr Axel Rauschmayer.
- MDN on Iterator Protocol
I hope you enjoyed this guest post! This article was written by Arfat Salmon exclusively for CodeBurst.io
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