Authorization Code Flow with PKCE (OAuth) in a React application

Mario Fernández
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2021


I’ve been working with OAuth a lot lately. Just recently, I wrote about setting it up for grafana. Today, I want to talk about the recommended flow for Single Page Applications, Authorization Code Flow with PKCE. I’m going to add authorization to a React application leveraging Auth0 as an Identity Provider.

I mention Auth0 so often around here, you’d think I’m getting a referral bonus. I promise you I’m not! It’s deserved praise. The UI is easy to navigate, is conveniently provisioned with Terraform, and has powerful libraries for most programming languages. I wrote about verifying JWTs from a SpringBoot backend in the past. Now it’s time to talk about the frontend.

Choosing the right flow

OAuth is not a monolithic entity. There are so many flows it’s no wonder people still succumb to the temptation of Basic Auth. The first step always is choosing the right one. Given that an SPA can’t store a secret id (the source code is sent to the browser, you know), we have two possibilities.

Implicit Flow

Traditionally, SPAs tended to use the implicit flow, also known as the implicit grant type. You make a request to the authorize endpoint with response_type=token id_token. It looks like this:



I develop software for a living. Then I go home and I continue reading about software, because I just cannot get enough. Nowadays I work for ThoughtWorks.