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Best Udemy courses for learning Full Stack Web Development

Brandon Morelli
Published in
5 min readJun 25, 2017

There are thousands of courses on the internet for learning Web Development. I would know, I’ve been learning for almost three years. I’ve taken good classes, and I’ve definitely taken bad classes.

Below, I outline my top two courses for learning Full Stack Web Development. In my opinion, these are the best courses on the market right now. If you want to specialize, I also recommend one course on React JS, and one on Node.js.

I’ve taken all four of these courses and hope you enjoy them as much as I did! If there’s a course you’d like to recommend, please shout it out in the comments.

Disclosure: I write reviews and receive compensation from the companies whose products I review. I’ve personally taken each and every course below, and I only recommend the best. All opinions expressed here are my own.

The Web Developer Bootcamp

Instructor: Colt Steele || 115,000 students || 4.7/5 stars

Colt Steele’s Web Developer Bootcamp

If there is one course you are going to buy to learn Web Development, this is the one. Seriously, whether you’re a beginner just starting to learn, or someone who needs a refresher on key web development concepts — this course is the best there is for learning Full Stack Web Development.

With over 115,000 Students, 341 lectures, 40+ hours of video content, and a 4.7/5 star rating, this will be the best course you take on Web Development.

The instructor, Colt, comes to Udemy after two years as Lead Instructor at Galvanize — a six month fully immersive Web Development Bootcamp in San Francisco. This course is the online equivalent of what he taught during his time there.

Of all the courses I’ve taken online, paid or not, Colt is hands down the best instructor I’ve had. He not only knows his stuff, but he knows how to teach it as well. Ideas are clearly articulated, and complicated subjects are broken down into bite size chunks that are easy to understand. Plus, the course revolves around projects, so you’ll learn by building real-world things, not by reading and taking tests.

But, easily the best aspect of this course, is the support. The course has a full time TA available to answer any questions you have along the way. Ian, the TA, is very quick at responding and help you through any problem you run into. It truly is a classroom-like experience.

The course covers a host of topics including: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SemanticUI, DOM Manipulation, jQuery, Unix(Command Line) Commands, NodeJS, NPM, ExpressJS, REST, MongoDB, Database Associations, Authentication, PassportJS, and Authorization.

Click here to learn more or to sign up!

A Beginners Guide to Advanced JavaScript & ES6 — ES2017

A Beginners Guide to Advanced JavaScript & ES6 — ES2017

If you want to become a better JavaScript developer, change career paths, or expand your current JS skills, this is the course for you! This is course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to get better at JavaScript and finally understand the tougher topics!
  • Anyone who wants to pass a technical interview
  • Anyone who has struggled to understand this, new, and arrow functions
  • Anyone who wants to learn ES2015, ES2016, and ES2017

If you know the basics of JavaScript (or have taken Colt’s course above) — this course will finally help you understand some of the tougher concepts in JavaScript.

JavaScript is the worlds most popular language and if you want to be hired as a JavaScript Developer, these are concepts you have to know and understand.

This Course Covers:

  • ES 2015 (ES6), ES 2016, and ES 2017
  • The keyword this and how it works
  • The new keyword
  • == vs ===
  • Operators and Operator Precedence
  • Scopes, Var, let, and const
  • Recursion, Closures, and Callbacks
  • And much, much more!

What are you waiting for? Take your JavaScript knowledge to the next level and sign up for this course today!

Click here to learn more or to sign up!

Modern React with Redux

Instructor: Stephen Grider || 26.5 Hours of Video || 44,109 Students

Stephen Grider’s Modern React with Redux

Alright, so this recommendation is actually a two part recommendation. Stephen Grider has created two courses for learning React — A beginners course and an advanced course. This is great because you can try the first course and see if you like React. If you do — start on his more advanced course, if not, you can pick a different framework and you haven’t lost anything.

So what sets this course apart from others? The big difference is Redux. If you’re unaware, Redux is a state manager that helps you manage ‘state’ within your React applications. If you have no idea what that means, that OK! That’s why you take Stephen’s course. He starts from the ground up, and introduces and explains every topic along the way.

Not only will you walk about with a great foundation and understanding of React, but you’ll also understand the basics of Redux — which is really, really important for scaling applications (aka getting a job with a React).

Here are some of the topics included in this course: React: JSX, “props”, “state”, and eventing. Redux: reducers, actions, and the state tree.

Another ‘learn by building’ course, you’ll walk away with production ready web applications. This course is a great way to test the waters and see if you like React!

Click here to learn more or to sign up!

Part 2 is available here: Advanced React with Redux

The Complete Node.js Developer Course

Instructors: Rob & Andrew || 23,000 students || 4.7/5 stars

Andrew Mead is back, in conjunction with Rob Percival to deliver this class teaching you how to build Node Applications!

Another project based course, you’ll come away with four different Node based projects. Like the above course, Andrew is quick at responding to any questions or problems you run into along the way, so no need to worry — any skill level can succeed at this course.

Topics include: Node, Npm, Async programming, MongoDB, Express, Socket.IO, Authentication with JWTs, Mongoose, Heroku Deployment, Version control with Git, GitHub, Code testing, App debugging, New ES6 features, Mocha

Click here to learn more or to sign up!

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Published in codeburst

Bursts of code to power through your day. Web Development articles, tutorials, and news.

Written by Brandon Morelli

Creator of @codeburstio — Frequently posting web development tutorials & articles. Follow me on Twitter too: @BrandonMorelli

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