Block-Level and Inline Elements: The difference between <div> and <span>

Emmanuel Ndubuisi
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2017


HTML is made up of various elements that act as the building blocks of web pages. For the purpose of styling, elements are divided into two categories: block-level elements and inline elements.

In summary, a <span> element is used as an inline element and a <div> element as a block level element.

The difference between the two elements is a commonly misunderstood concept of web design but it does not have to be!

Basically, an inline element does not cause a line break (start on a new line) and does not take up the full width of a page, only the space bounded by its opening and closing tag. It is usually used within other HTML elements.

Other examples of inline elements are:

  • anchor <a> tag
  • emphasis <em> tag
  • image <img> tag

A block-level element always starts on a new line and takes up the full width of a page, from left to right. A block-level element can take up one line or multiple lines and has a line break before and after the element.

Other examples of the block-level tag are:

  • Heading tags <h1> to <h6>
  • List (Ordered, Unordered, Description and List Item) tags <ol> , <ul> ,<dl> , <li>
  • Pre-formatted text tag <pre>
  • Blockquote tag <blockquote>


There doesn’t have to be a space between each element wrapped with a span tag as shown above.

The <div> element is usually used as a container for other HTML elements and to separate them for the rest. The <div> element is an unstyled tag, in other words, using it does not change the look of an HTML element. Also, it has no required attribute.

Notice the line break between the containers? That’s the <div> working

The <span> element can be used as a container for HTML text. But essentially, it is used to style a certain text within a larger text element. The <span> element does not automatically style an HTML element. The <span> does notrequire an attribute too!

Here, the span tag is used to give difference colors to different texts inside the paragraph tag.

Understanding the difference between these two elements allows you to better understand the structure of a web page and how it is displayed.

Congratulations on moving one step closer to becoming a web design expert!



I like to teach, learn, create, repeat. Interested in creating dependable, extendable, and usable web applications.