Create Unique Web Experiences with CSS Custom Cursors

In only 5 minutes

Ohans Emmanuel
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2018

The DEMO we will build

I had dinner, then sat like a heavy duck skimming through some cool websites. I don’t remember how I got there, but the next 20 minutes were spent surfing through a particular website.

A couple things were super cool about the Mutt Agency website, but I was really blown by the clever use of custom cursors.

The Mutt Agency website

From the GIF above, the cursor changes to point to the top navigation when you move away from the main content on the screen.

How Easy is to Rebuild This?

The brain behind this is a simple one-liner.

.my-awesome-selector {
cursor: url(../path/to/awesome/icon.svg), cursor)

Can you Give a Better Explanation?

What better way to explain this than to code the nice effect together?

Put your dev hats on!

1. Go over to and create a new pen

We’ll build a little portfolio page beginning with the markup below:

Hello. I'm Ohans.
User Interface Designer
The <main> tag?

So far, so good.


There’s nothing to be excited about — yet.

2. Position the main content in the centre of the screen. Flexbox to the rescue!

body {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
min-height: 100vh;

Here’s how that works:

Below is the result of the code above:

The current state of the demo

3.Let’s make this beautiful.

Each time you create an ugly app, someone dies. No, not really. Let’s make this beautiful.

body {

background-color: #2980b9;
color: #ecf0f1;
font-size: 3em;
text-align: center;
main {
border: 1px solid #bdc3c7;
cursor: pointer;
max-width: 60%;
padding: 1.5rem 2rem;


Pretty simple stuff, huh?

For the uninitiated, max-width will set a maximum width on the applied element. Yes, you guessed right. padding: 1.5rem 2rem sets the padding on the element via the padding shorthand. The top and bottom padding will equal 1.5em, the left and right padding value will be equal to 2rem.

Here’s the result of that:

The current state of the project

4. We need a little more markup

Okay, I lied. When I said we didn’t need extra markup, that was me acting drunk. We need a little more markup. I’ll tell you why soon.

<div class="main_hover-up"></div>
Hello, I'm Ohans. <br />
User Interface Designer
<div class="main_hover-down"></div>

We will capture the user’s mouse interactions with the .main_hover-up and main_hover-down elements. But first, we need to make them visible and positioned righty.

5. Set up a positioning context within main

main {
position: relative;

With the positioning context set, we can go ahead to position the child elements with the top, bottom , left and right keywords.

6. Position and Style the elements to capture the mouse interactions

position: absolute;
top: -102%;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
transform: scaleX(2);
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
background: red;
.main_hover-down {
top: 102%;

I know. That is a lot to add at once, but below is a rundown of how it works.

If something isn’t clear, feel free to reach out in the comment section. I’ll be happy to help.

And here’s the result of that.

Don’t mind the red background. I included that for visual feedback

Red backgrounds. Really?

I know you didn’t come this far to have an ugly red box staring at you. Let’s make those transparent.

.main_hover-down {
background: transparent

A smarter thing to do is to delete the former background: red declaration. By default, elements have an initial background-color of transparent.

The ugly backgrounds are gone!

7. Now, get the custom cursors in there!

.main_hover-up:hover {
cursor: url(, pointer;
.main_hover-down:hover {
cursor: url(, pointer;

Now, as you move up, leaving the main content area, you’ll be pointed up to the navigation area. As you move down, you’ll be pointed down — indicating there’s more content below.

You did it!

Pretty darn cool!

How does this affect User Experience?

Except you know what you’re doing, don’t go about making disturbing custom cursors. Okay?

In this particular case, the user experience doesn’t suffer. The user isn’t carried away by some fancy GIF cursor. Instead, a custom cursor has been used to aid the navigation around the site. Great!

Oh, it didn’t work for me.

If you’re experiencing any errors with using an SVG as a custom cursor, be sure to check the dimensions. Keep it small. Maximum of 128px * 128px Also, check that your SVG has width and height dimensions intrinsically - as opposed to using only the viewbox

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Written by Ohans Emmanuel

Authored 5 books and counting. This one will teach you intermediate to advanced Typescript in React:

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