Design Your Personal COVID-19 Dashboard

Dhairya Ostwal
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2020


COVID-19 Dashboard Website by Dhairya Ostwal

Hey there! Hope you all are safe and utilising the quarantine period for learning new technology or skill 🙋🏻‍♂️.

Alright so today we’re going to create our own website. Excited?

✅ Idea:

Design a COVID-19 website displaying total cases in your area, relevant news, other nearby states and inter-country comparison of stats.

What do you need?

Most importantly excitement of learning something new!

Tech Stacks:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. BootStrap 4
  4. Some bits and pieces of UI Design and Color Theory

✅ Description:

We are creating a simple, one page website depicting all of the important information you need to know on a single page.

So, we would cover the following format:

Website UI planning for COVID-19 Dashboard Website by Dhairya Ostwal
Website look & UI planning. Visit here

✅ Enough talk. Now Code

Before we begin I want you to quickly import the Bootstrap CDN(get here) inside the <head> of your HTML file index.html . I’ve also added Google Fonts API link for beautiful fonts, jQuery CDN and font-awesome CDN.

Bootstrap could be visualised as ready made HTML that helps us to build beautiful websites quickly.

Refer the code below for reference —

Getting started with index.html

Now let’s start adding elements — navbar, sections of our website & footer(as displayed in description above 👆🏻)

There are several Bootstrap elements which we would be using — Cards, Grid, Tables.

And your final index.html file should look somewhat like this —

It’s a long 400+ code. Don’t worry Bootstrap is for the rescue! 😅

Source: Shaktimaan on

✅ Let’s add some CSS & UI elements

CSS has the power to turn a rock into Gold!

And that’s what we would be discovering today. Although you could see in the above 👆🏻index.html file I’ve also added a few inline CSS.

You can refer the below file style.css for custom CSS.


One thing to remember is while putting your link for style.css put it below Bootstrap CDN as it follows succeeding principle — the thing placed below can overwrite on the previous above it.

And you’ve got your personal COVID-19 Dashboard ready!

COVID-19 Dashboard Website by Dhairya Ostwal
Your website works on Mobile as well 🎉

Check the website here:

Designing with Bootstrap is ❤️ both your mobile and web version gets created!

GitHub repo link:

✅ Now, the challenge for you is to create:

  1. A light theme based version for the website
  2. Use graphs and other media objects to display statistics

Tag me @dhairyaostwal on Instagram/LinkedIn/Twitter/Medium. Definitely super excited to see your work!

Hey, I am Dhairya Ostwal. Hope my above story was useful to you and did inspire you to create something for yourself. Would love to hear your views 😄

Connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram, Medium, GitHub.

