JavaScript for Beginners: A new series
You’ve all taught me so much. Now it’s my turn to give back.

*Updated 7/5/17* This list is no longer maintained as of 5/25/17. You can always check out my profile for the most up to date list.
I’m a self taught developer. I owe just about everything I know to the writers, bloggers, video bloggers, and content curators that came before me.
A month ago, I decided to start creating content as well. I published links that have helped me, and began blogging about topics that I had found difficult along the way. As it turns out, I’ve really enjoyed it, and it appears that some of my readers have as well. So today, I’m introducing a new series: JavaScript for Beginners.
JavaScript for Beginners will be a collection of articles that I release weekly, focusing on difficult subjects for people who are just beginning to learn JavaScript, as well as more mid-level developers who may need a refresher, or are struggling with certain concepts.
I want your feedback!
I’m writing this post because I want to know what kinds of content you want to see. What areas of JavaScript have you struggled with? What confuses you? What do you need a refresher on?
Please, leave a comment on this article and let me know! Better yet, you can tweet me @BrandonMorelli, join the discussion in the Learn JavaScript LinkedIn Group, or signup for my email list below.
Thanks for your suggestions!