JavaScript — Short Circuit Conditionals

Learn Short-Circuit ‘&&’ Conditionals in three minutes

Brandon Morelli
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017

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This is part one in a two part series this week:

The Example

Consider this scenario: You have a program that must fetch data, but it can only fetch this data if it is online. We might consider using an if statement to first check if we are online, and if we are, fetch the data. Here’s what that code might look like:

if (online){

Awesome. This code works great.

But, what if I told you this code does the exact same thing as the above code:

online && getData();

Logical AND

In JavaScript, the logical AND operator will return true if both operands are true. It returns false in any other scenario. Here are a few simple examples:

true && true
// true
true && false
// false
false && false
// false

There are two important aspects of logical operators inJavaScript that you should know:

  • They evaluate from left to right
  • They short-circuit

Short circuiting means that in JavaScript when we are evaluating an AND expression (&&), if the first operand is false, JavaScript will short-circuit and not even look at the second operand.

In other words — for the second operand in a logical AND expression to even be looked at, the first operand must be true. This allows us to do some pretty cool stuff with logical AND.

Understanding the Example

Going back to our initial example — remember in this scenario, online must be true before we can invoke our getData() function.

Here’s the short-circuit conditional again:

online && getData();

If online is false, our equation will short circuit, and our getData() function will never run. Only when online is equal to true, will the second half of the equation ever be looked at/run.

That is why the above code will do the same thing as our typical conditional code:

if (online){

Pretty Cool ay?

Note: If faced with a scenario like this, it is probably better to write your code with an if statement and not with a short-circuit conditional. However, it’s important to understand that they are doing the exact same thing.

Closing Notes:

Thanks for reading, and hopefully this was helpful! If you’re ready to finally learn Web Development, check out The Ultimate Guide to Learning Full Stack Web Development in 6 months.

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Published in codeburst

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Written by Brandon Morelli

Creator of @codeburstio — Frequently posting web development tutorials & articles. Follow me on Twitter too: @BrandonMorelli