Published in
10 min readApr 25, 2020


Hello everyone, Shmoji here. In this tutorial you will be learning how to design/style the main page of your website using React and CSS.

Here is the previous tutorial if needed:

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a page that looks like this:

I decided to create my Home page with blog posts with a style similar to Reddit.

If you prefer videos: here is the YouTube tutorial (it is slightly different than the typed-out version)

Let’s get started!

Creating a React component for cards/blog posts

We know that we would like blog posts to render on our page. Each post is contained inside of a card. So, we need to create cards to show visually.

To do that, add a React component called InfoCards to render out every blog post we have inside of Home.js. We want these cards to render out, so add the render method. Every render method…

