Learning How to Code in 30 Days

How I overcame the four most popular excuses for not learning so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.

Blake Reichmann
Published in
11 min readMay 26, 2020


Photo by Clément H on Unsplash

Learning how to code is something I’ve thought about doing for some time but always found an excuse for putting it off. Then the pandemic happened, flipping my schedule upside-down. If I was serious about wanting to learn, then this was the perfect opportunity. It was time for my next 30-day challenge.

In 30 days, I went from being a complete beginner who didn’t know what a programming language was to a budding developer who was getting comfortable with building landing pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I summarized my learn-to-code journey with the following tweet.

Defining My Why

So why did I choose to spend a full month learning how to code? While some people are motivated to learn programming to “get rich”, there are other reasons why I or anyone else would want to learn how to code. Some popular reasons include:

  • Finding a job as a…



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