Locate and identify website visitors by IP address

Sponsored by ipstack

Brandon Morelli


If you run a website, it’s important to understand exactly who your visitors are and where they’re coming from.

Say hello to ipstack.

ipstack’s real-time geolocation API service is used by thousands of developers, SMBs, and large corporations all around the world to determine exactly where customers are coming from, and customize user experiences based on location.


The API covers over 2 million unique locations in more than 200.000 cities around the world. Plus, all data sent to and processed by the ipstack API is secured via 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS). Most importantly, years of partnership with large ISPs ensure accurate and consistent data any day of the year.

There are five data modules provided by ipstack:

  • Location Module
    Use ipstack’s extensive set of localization data to implement geographic restrictions on your site, optimize ad targeting, or deliver user experiences customized based on the location of your website visitors. Learn more
  • Currency Module
    Get instant and accurate information about the primary currency used in the location returned for the processed IP address and deliver a tailored shopping experience to your customers. Learn more
  • Time Zone Module
    Find out about the time zone your users are located in without the need for them to fill out any forms, and act accordingly based on the time-related metadata returned by the ipstack API. Learn more
  • Connection Module
    Make use of valuable information about the ASN and the hostname of the ISP your website visitors are using. Learn more
  • Security Module
    Protect your site and web application and always be a step ahead of potential threats to your business by detecting proxies, crawlers or tor users at first glance. Learn more


The ipstack location module is completely free for up to 10,000 requests per month! This means you can try it out today and start integrating location based features into your site! Below, I’ll go over a few of the basic API calls.

API Single IP Lookup

Using ipstack’s API is remarkably easy. Here’s a sample API call and response to determine the location of a single IP address:

Bulk API Lookup

Here’s a sample call/response for a bulk IP location lookup:

ipstack Documentation

The ipstack documentation provides tons of great information on how to build with and utilize the ipstack API. Best of all, all registered users (free or paid) can use the Quickstart Tool to try out all API functionalities at the click of a button!

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Creator of @codeburstio — Frequently posting web development tutorials & articles. Follow me on Twitter too: @BrandonMorelli