macOS System Font Stylistic Sets for CSS

Thai Pangsakulyanont
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2018


San Francisco, macOS’ System Font, comes with several “stylistic sets” to be used in different contexts. They can be activated from CSS using these properties:

  • font-feature-settings: "ss01" on makes the sides of 6 and 9 straight.
  • font-feature-settings: "ss02" on for “open 4.”
  • font-feature-settings: "ss03" on makes colon vertically-aligned, even in awkward positions.
  • font-feature-settings: "ss06" on adds a slash to 0 (to distinguish itself from O), and some serif to I and l, making it easier to tell them apart. Also enables straight-sided 6 and 9, and open 4.
  • font-feature-settings: "ss07" on makes a one storey.
  • font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums makes each number take up the same space. Good for using in tables.
  • font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions turns “123/456” into a diagonal fraction.

Maybe there are more that I am not aware of, please leave a comment.

For font-feature-settings, use a comma to combine:

font-feature-settings: "ss06" on, "ss07" on;

For font-variant-numeric, use a space to combine:

font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions tabular-nums;

They work on Chrome and Safari. They don’t work in Firefox yet (as of writing, Firefox 57).

On websites that use the system font, e.g. Facebook, GitHub, and Qiita, I like to use this userstyle:

:root {
font-feature-settings: "ss06" on;
font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;

This can make it easier to read tabular data.


Some digits are not aligned.


Digits are perfectly aligned now!



(@dtinth) A software engineer and frontend enthusiast. A Christian. A JavaScript musician. A Ruby and Vim lover.