Performance metrics. What’s this all about?

Measuring performance of page loading is a hard task. Hence Google Developers together with the community are working on Progressive Web Metrics (PWM’s).
What are PWM’s and why do we need them?
A bit history of browser metrics.
A while ago we had 2 main points (events) for measuring performance:
— fired when page is loaded but scripts just started to be executed.
event which is fired then a page is fully loaded and a user can engage with either page or application.
If we take a look, as example, at timeline trace of (Chrome Dev Tools helps us marking those points with blue and red vertical lines) we can understand why these metrics are not so helpful.

Fast forward to today and we see that
doesn’t reflect the user perception as well as it once did.
Indeed. The problem of DOMContentLoaded
is a time for parsing and executing javascript, if scripts are too big then this time might take too long. For example on mobile devices. Regarding the timeline trace, which was measured with 3G network throttling, it took ~10 sec for reaching load
In other hand, load
happens too late to analyze page performance bottlenecks.
So can we rely on these metrics? What information do they provide us with?
And the main question, how do users perceive page load from the start of page loading to fully loaded page?
Why is this loading perception is so important? We can refer to Leveraging the Performance Metrics that Most Affect User Experience article from Chrome Developers which underline problem of load
one more time.
Taking a look at the histogram where X-axis show load times and y-axis show the relative number of users who experienced a load time in that particular time bucket, you can understand that not all users experienced load time less than 2 seconds.

As a result load
time, which is around 17 seconds for our experiment, couldn’t say anything valuable about user’s perception of page loading. What had user been seeing during this 17 seconds? Blank screen? Partly loaded page? Was content loaded but frozen (e.g. user couldn’t tap on input or scroll)? Having answers to that questions:
- Can improve user experience
- Bring more users to the application
- Increase benefits for product owners (users, customers, money)
So, guys tried to read users minds and predict what would user ask herself/himself while 17 seconds of load time.
- “Is it happening?”
Has my navigation started successfully (the server has responded, etc.)?
2. “Is it useful?”
Has the page painted enough critical content that I could engage with it?
3. “Is it usable?”
Can I actually engage with the page or is it still busy?
4. “Is it delightful?”
Was I pleasantly surprised by the lack of scrolling jank, animation jank, FOUC, slow webfonts, etc?
If DOMContentLoaded
or load
metrics can’t answer these questions which one can?
Progressive Web Metrics
PWM’s — list of metrics which suppose to help detect performance bottlenecks. Despite load
and DOMContentLoaded
PWM’s provide developers with much more detailed information about page loading.
Let’s take a journey with PWM’s using trace and try to understand the meaning of each metric.

First Paint (FP)
I was, kinda, cheating saying that we had only 2 metrics. Dev Tools also provided us with one more metric — FP. It’s a timing while page was being painted. Saying another word it’s time when user seeing a blank screen for the first time (below a FP screenshot of Read more at specification.

To understand how it works, we can take a look under the hood at Chromium graphic layer, as an example

FP event is fired when graphic layer was being painted, but not text, image, canvas etc, but it gave some information at list which developers tried to use.
While it was not standardized metric, measuring became really tricky. Different “hacky” techniques were used, like:
- attaching requestAnimationFrame
- catching css resources loaded
- even using
events (their problems were described above)
But, despite on all effort, it has low-level value because text, image, canvas might be drawn a while after fired FP event, affected by performance bottlenecks like page weight, css or javascript resources size.
This metric is NOT a part PWM but knowledge about it is useful to understand metric explained below.
So some other metric was needed to represent actual drawing of content.
First Contentful Paint (FCP)
It’s a timing when user sees something “contentful” painted on a page. Just something different from a blank screen. It can be anything either first paint of text, or first paint of SVG, or first paint of canvas etc.
As a result, user might ask himself the question, is it happening? Has page started loading after he/she wrote a URL and pressed enter?

Continuing taking a look at Chromium, FCP event has been fired during actual drawing of a text (text which is waiting for loading fonts is ignored), image, canvas etc. As result time difference between FP and FCP might take from milliseconds to seconds. The difference really noticed even on a screenshot above. That’s why having metric which represents real first paint of content is valuable.
You can read all specification here.
How is FCP metric valuable for developers?
If time to First Contentful Paint takes too long, then:
- you might have performance jank in your network connection
- resources are large (e.g. index.html) and it takes a time to deliver them
Read more about network performance in High Performance
Browser Networking by Ilya Grigorik to eliminate the influence of these factors.
First Meaningful Paint (FMP)
Is the time when page’s primary content appeared on the screen, hence — is it useful?

What’s this primary content?
- header and text for blogs
- search text for search engines
- images if they are critical for e-commerce products
is shown.
But it doesn’t count if
- spinners or something similar
- flash of unstyled content (FOUC)
- navigation bar or page header
is shown.
FMP = Paint that follows biggest layout change
Due to Chromium implementation, this paint is calculated using LayoutAnalyzer, which collects all layout changes, by finding time when the biggest layout was changed. This time will be the FMP.
You can read all specification here.
How is FMP metric useful for developers?
If primary content isn’t shown for too long time, then:
- too many resources (images, styles, fonts, javascript) have high load priority, as a result, they are blocking FMP
I don’t wanna repeat already used practices for improving these bottlenecks and just leave some links
- Preload, Prefetch And Priorities in Chrome by Addy Osmani
- Critical Request by Ben Schwarz
- The State of the Web by Karolina Szczur
- Practical Performance (Polymer Summit 2016) from Paul Irish and Sam Saccone
where you can find all necessary information.
Visually Ready
When page looks “nearly” loaded but browser hasn’t finished executing all scripts.
Estimated Input Latency
Metric suppose to estimate how smoothly application responses on user input.
But before digging in I want to explain some terminology to be on a same page.
Long tasks
Browser under the hood wrap all users input into tasks (UI tasks) and put them in a queue on the main thread. Other than that, browser also has to parse/compile/execute javascript on a page (application tasks). If time for each application task takes a long time then user input task might be blocked until they are done. As a result it could delay interactive with a page, page could behave janky and laggy.
Saying simple words, long tasks — parsing/compiling/executing javascript chunks longer than 50ms.
You can read all specification here.
Long tasks API already implemented in Chrome and already used for measuring how busy main thread is.

Going back to the Estimated Input Latency, users assume that page responses immediately but if main thread is busy proceeding each long task then it bothers he/she in a not good way. As far as user experience is critical for application you can read information Measure Performance with the RAIL Model about performance improvements of these kind bottlenecks.
First Interactive
Interactive — is it usable? Yes, this is the question user want to ask when seeing Visually Ready page and want to engage with it.
First interactive has happened then conditions
- &&
- DOMContentLoaded event has been fired
- &&
- page Visually Complete on 85%
are satisfied.
First Interactive — metric which is separated on a two metrics Time to First Interactive (TTFI) and Time to First Consistently Interactive (TTCI).
Reasons to separate it
- define minimal interactive, when UI responses well but it’s ok if it’s not
- when a website is completely and delightfully interactive and strictly meets the guideline of RAIL
Using revers analyses, which looks from the end of a trace, finds that the page loading activity is quiet for 5 sec and it has no more long tasks, get period called quiet window. Time after quiet window and before first long task (first from the end) will be TTCI.
Definition of this metric a bit different from TTCI. Trace is analyzed from start to end. After FMP happened there are should be quiet window for 3 seconds. It’s enough time for saying that page is interactive enough for the user. But there might be lonely tasks during/after quite window. They can be ignored.
Lonely tasks — tasks executed far from FMP and isolated by 250ms execution time period (envelope size) and 1 sec quietness before and after envelope size. Example of this task can be third party ads or analytics scripts.
Sometimes “lonely tasks” longer than 250ms can have serious perf impact on a page
Like detecting adblock
You can read all specification here.
How are TTFI and TTCI metrics useful for developers?
When thread is busy for a long time between Visually Ready and First Interactive

This is one of the trickiest bottlenecks and there is no standard way to fix this kind of problem. It’s individual and depends on application specific cases. Chrome Dev Tools has bunch of articles which can help detect runtime performance issues.
Visually Complete / Speed Index
Visually Complete is calculated taking page screenshots and do pixel analysis of those screenshots applying Speed Index algorithm. Sometimes it can be tricky measuring Visually Complete.
If page has changing images aka carousel it might be challenging to get proper Result of Visually Complete
Speed Index by itself represents median of Visually Complete results. The less value of Speed Index metric then better.
Visually Complete 100% is a final point where user can be either happy or not. This is a time for asking question — was it delightful?
It’s not all PWM but most important of them. Above, were added links to materials which can help improve each metric, also, I want to leave some links to the tools for measuring this kind of metrics
P.S. For getting results of all these metrics is better to use either Lighthouse or pwmetrics. Both Calibre and WPT run Lighthouse, and by extension of that provides all of these metrics.
If you want to do performance measurements manually there are native API called PerformanceObserver can help you achieve your measurement goals.
Example from specification:
const observer = new PerformanceObserver(list => {
// Get the values we are interested in
.map(({ name, entryType, startTime, duration }) => {
const obj = {
"Duration": duration,
"Entry Type": entryType,
"Name": name,
"Start Time": startTime,
return JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2);
// Display them to the console
// maybe disconnect after processing the events.
// retrieve buffered events and subscribe to new events
// for Resource-Timing and User-Timing
entryTypes: ["resource", "mark", "measure"],
buffered: true
Thanks to all guys for amazing work with a specifications, articles, and tools!