React & React Native — Best of 2017
A collection of popular React JS/React Native Articles and Tutorials on Codeburst in 2017

As another years comes to an end, here are some of the most popular React articles on Codeburst in 2017. Enjoy!

React-Navigation, complete Redux state management, tab-bar, and multiple navigators
Dan Parker — Feb. 5, 2017
A detailed example of react-navigation
API using redux
as the navigator’s state management.
Angular vs. React: Which Is Better for Web Development?
Aug. 8, 2017
There are countless articles out there debating whether React or Angular is the better choice for web development. Do we need yet another one?
React Router v4 Unofficial Migration Guide
François Zaninotto — May 5, 2017
React-Router v4 introduces a radical change over version 3. Francois created this migration guide to help anyone looking to make an upgrade
React Native vs Real Native Apps
Weblab Technology — Nov. 1, 2017
This post is targeted to highlight the theoretical as well as practical aspects of using React Native in comparison with Swift.
ReactJS App With Laravel RESTful API Endpoint
David Adelekan — Jan. 3, 2017
Creating an app using ReactJS that connects to a Laravel API endpoint.
React Native Google Map with react-native-maps
Kirsten Swanson — Jul. 21, 2017
A tutorial on how to use react-native-maps
to render a Google map with React Native.
Performance-tuning a React application.
Joshua Comeau — Nov. 10, 2017
A case-study in techniques to performance tune a React Application, and how well they work.
React Native Push Notifications with Firebase
William Candillon — Apr. 13, 2017
Tips & Strategies for push notifications in React Native
React Native Debugging Tools
Vince Yuan — May 13, 2017
This article introduces how to debug code (logic) and GUI of React Native apps.
Animating React Components with CSS and Styled-Components
Kyle Truong — Jun. 1, 2017
There are a lot of great resources on how to do animations with CSS and there are a lot of great resources on how to do styling in React but there are relatively few resources on how to do them both together.

Top React Courses of 2017
Want to learn React? Check out these trending courses. Disclosure: I write reviews and receive compensation from the companies I review.
Modern React with Redux
4.7 / 5 Stars || 18 Hours of Video || 72,000 Students
Master the fundamentals of React and Redux with this tutorial as you develop apps with React Router, Webpack, and ES6
The Complete React Web Developer Course (2nd Edition)
4.8 / 5 Stars || 36.5 Hours of Video || 8,000 Students
Learn how to build and launch React web applications using React v16, Redux, Webpack, React-Router v4, and more!
Hello React — React Training for JavaScript Beginners
4.7 / 5 Stars || 6 Hours of Video || 2,000 Students
React Training for Those Who Don’t Code Good

Closing Notes:
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