Redux with React Hooks
React has introduced the concept of Hooks in 16.8 evolving the way we’ve been writing React Components using Classes in order to tap into the lifecycle methods. With hooks api, as the name suggests, React encourages us to write the components in a functional manner while gaining access or hooking into the lifecycle methods through the said hooks in a given component. And, after using it for a while, I see the point why React favours functional components using hooks api because of the brevity and cleanliness it offer compared to a verbose class based component. Not only this, in order to attach some logic, we had to rely upon patterns like render props or higher order components which basically re-structured our components by adding unnecessary level of dom hierarchies for each HOC or render prop element also known as “wrapper hell” of components surrounded by layers of providers, consumers, higher-order components, render props, and other abstractions.

If you’ve worked with Angular (any version), you must be familiar with the concept of Angular Directives which in simple words is a way to add super powers to a DOM element
<p appHighlight>Highlight me!</p>
For eg: appHighlight
here is an attribute directive which when applied to any element would augment its behaviour by say adding some event listener to it and reacting by changing some visual css properties as in this example. This attribute directive can be applied to any element and it will add the required behaviour it. Hence, this reusable logic can be kept at one place in a directive.
Similar sort of thing was introduced in React as well termed as Mixins but it couldn’t work out well in favour of ES6 classes. React hooks are said to be Mixins Done Right!
This article is not going to be a react hooks tutorial, there are plenty out there already. Rather, we’d be discussing about a problem that I encountered using Centralised state pattern as Redux with React hooks.
React hooks api has an enforcement of only being used inside functional components. Class based components can’t use React hooks. And this means that, we can no more use our favourite connect HOC function to wrap our class component before exporting it.
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(myComp);
Since, HOCs here introduces hierarchies into the dom structure, which defeats the whole ideology for hooks based functional react components. React hooks provide a way of maintaining a local state inside the components very well with the built-in useState

It has its own advantages for sure, which you can read here from the official docs. There’s another effect called useReducer
which again is nothing but a little abstraction on the useState

The state would be local to the component itself. While, it works for smaller apps but for practical large applications, the concept of Centralised State Management has worked quite well over the years. A single central state as a source of truth makes it easier to reason about the changes happening in the application through formatted data structures called as Actions. We won’t go over the philosophy of Redux here.
The job we’re trying to accomplish is create a useRedux
sort of a hook, that returns us the mapped props just like the connect
useRedux Hook
Pretty much like connect
HOC, except that, it doesn’t take the React Component Class as an input and returns another nested component by adding props to it. Rather, it’s a classic function, that takes in the mapping functions and simply return the mapped props.
Delving more into how connect
HOC works. It’s provided by the react-redux package. At the root level of our app, we wrap whole application with <Provider />

This is the usage of React Context API. We need to grab the reference of our single Redux store everywhere throughout our application. Hence, we need to specify the reference of it once at the root level of our app and without passing it as a prop to any of the children component, we can use it in any level of nested components as

function uses the same thing by wrapping the React component into the Consumer end of the React context and grab the reference of the state from there.
A contrived version of the connect function looks something like this
Notice how at line 5, the context value of store
which was passed to the Provider at the root level is being accessed. Further, getState()
method is being called on this store and mappedProps
are being prepared.
Same approach we’re gonna use but with a twist of useContext

Here, we’re maintaining a reference to the context variable created as
const context = React.createContext(null);
and since we have passed a reference to the redux store as a value to the context <Provider value={store} />
, we can grab it for consumption by simply using the useContext
By destructuring store, we get access to getState
and dispatch
methods of redux store. Using getState, we can get the current state and hence create mapped state out of it by passing it to our said mappedStateToProps
and mappedDispatchToProps
Not only this, we also need to listen to any future changes in the redux store in order to re-render our component in which our useRedux
hook is “hooked”. Hence, inside useEffect, we need to subscribe to the redux store once and call setState by checking if the props have changed which in turn triggers a render.
That’s about it. The usage looks like this

Sweet. We’re able to hook redux into our functional components without wrapping them unnecessarily into HOCs.
You can use this hook easily from npm as
npm i -S @mollycule/redux-hook
The complete docs are available here.

Thanks :)