Learn and Understand Recursion in JavaScript
I’ll walk you through two popular JS recursion examples in 10 minutes so you can finally understand how recursion works in JavaScript.

What is Recursion?
Recursion is simply when a function calls itself.
Lets jump right in and take a look at probably the most famous recursion example. This example returns the factorial of a supplied integer:
function factorial(x) {
if (x < 0) return;
if (x === 0) return 1;
return x * factorial(x - 1);
// 6
Woah. It’s Okay if that makes no sense to you. The important part is happening on line 4: return x * factorial(x — 1);
. As you can see, the function is actually calling itself again ( factorial(x-1)
), but with a parameter that is one less than when it was called the first time. This makes it a recursive function.
Before I break down that code example any further, it’s important you understand what factorials are.
To get the factorial of a number you multiply that number by itself minus one until you reach the number one.
Example 1: The factorial of 4 is 4 * 3 * 2 * 1, or 24.
Example 2: The factorial of 2 is just 2 * 1, or 2.
Awesome, now that our High School Math lesson is over, we can return to the good stuff!
The three key features of recursion
All recursive functions should have three key features:
A Termination Condition
Simply put: if(something bad happened){ STOP };
The Termination Condition is our recursion fail-safe. Think of it like your emergency brake. It’s put there in case of bad input to prevent the recursion from ever running. In our factorial example, if (x < 0) return;
is our termination condition. It’s not possible to factorial a negative number and thus, we don’t even want to run our recursion if a negative number is input.
A Base Case
Simply put: if(this happens) { Yay! We're done };
The Base Case is similar to our termination condition in that it also stops our recursion. But remember, the termination condition is a catch-all for bad data. Whereas the base case is the goal of our recursive function. Base cases are usually within an if
statement .In the factorial example, if (x === 0) return 1;
is our base case. We know that once we’ve gotten x down to zero, we’ve succeeded in determining our factorial!
The Recursion
Simply put: Our function calling itself. In the factorial example, return x * factorial(x — 1);
is where the recursion actually happens. We’re returning the value of the number x
multiplied by the value of whatever factorial(x-1)
evaluates to.
All Three Together
Now we still have no idea how our factorial example works, but ideally it makes more sense:
function factorial(x) {
if (x < 0) return; // BASE
if (x === 0) return 1; // RECURSION
return x * factorial(x - 1);
// 6
Factorial Function Flow
Lets examine exactly what happens when we call our Factorial Function:
1. We first call our function passing in the value of 3.
2. This results in the function being run. Both if statements fail and our recursion line runs. We return the integer 3 multiplied by the value of factorial(3-1)
return 3 * factorial(2);
3. When factorial(2)
is run, both if statements fail again and recursion occurs. We return the integer 2 multiplied by the value of factorial(2-1)
return 2 * factorial(1);
4. When factorial(1)
is run, both if statements fail again and recursion occurs. We return the integer 1 multiplied by the value of factorial(1-1)
return 1 * factorial(0);
5. When factorial(0)
is run, something different happens. Zero is our base case, so that if statement passes and our function returns 1.
if (x === 0) return 1;
Now that our function has finally returned, everything will ‘unwind’. This is because recursion is simply a group of nested function calls. With nested functions, the most inner nested function will return first.
This is the important part to understand. Read over this a few times if you don’t understand it at first.
returns 1
returns 1 * factorial(0)
, or just 1*1
returns 2 * factorial(1)
, or just 2*1*1
returns 3 * factorial(2)
, or just 3*2*1*1
return 1 * 1 * 2 * 3
// 6
Did you follow that? Here is the same explanation structured differently:
factorial(3) returns 3 * factorial(2)
factorial(2) returns 2 * factorial(1)
factorial(1) returns 1 * factorial(0)
factorial(0) returns 1// Now that we've hit our base case, our function will return in order from inner to outer:factorial(0) returns 1 => 1
factorial(1) returns 1 * factorial(0) => 1 * 1
factorial(2) returns 2 * factorial(1) => 2 * 1 * 1
factorial(3) returns 3 * factorial(2) => 3 * 2 * 1 * 1// 3 * 2 * 1 * 1 = 6
It’s okay if you still don’t understand what’s happening. Lets move on to another example to try and clear up some confusion.
Lets look at a second example
We’re going a completely different route with this second example. This is another popular example on the internet and it has to do with a reversing a string.
Please note that this is not the most efficient way to reverse a string in JavaScript. There are much faster ways. It’s just a common internet example of recursion so I wanted to cover it as well.
Here’s what the code looks like:
function revStr(str){
if (str === '') return '';
return revStr(str.substr(1)) + str[0];
// tac
Instantly you can (ideally) notice a few things:
str === ""
is our base case. When our string has no characters in it, we’ve succeeded.return revStr(str.substr(1)) + str[0];
is where the recursion magic happens.- There is no termination case. That’s because in this instance our base case is our termination case. We can’t get a string that has negative characters. so as long as only strings are entered into our function we will be fine.
Let’s break it down line by line
In this example we’re reversing the string cat
. We start with a call to our function and passing in the string cat:
Our Recursive case is run.
In JavaScript the substr()
method returns a string beginning at the specified location. Thus ‘cat’.substr(1) === ‘at’
gives us the character at that index in the string. Thus cat[0] === 'c'
return revStr(str.substr(1)) + str[0];// SAME AS
return revStr('at') + 'c'
Our recursive case is run again:
return revStr(str.substr(1)) + str[0];// SAME AS
return revStr('t') + 'a'
Our recursive case is run one final time:
return revStr(str.substr(1)) + str[0];// SAME AS
return revStr('') + 't'
This time our base case runs, and the function returns a blank string:
if (str === '') return '';
Now that our function has returned, everything will ‘unwind’ and return in order:
return ‘’ + ‘t’ + ‘a’ + ‘c’
// tac
Break it down even more
For good measure, here’s the step by step again:
revStr('cat') returns revStr('at') + 'c'revStr('at') returns revStr('t') + 'a'revStr('t') returns revStr('') + 't'revStr('') returns ''
Now, remember, these are all nested function calls. When you have nested function calls, the most inner nested function returns first. This initiates the ‘unwinding’ as they return in order
revStr('') returns '' => ''revStr('t') returns revStr('') + 't' => '' + 't'revStr('at') returns revStr('t') + 'a' => '' + 't' + 'a'revStr('cat') returns revStr('at') + 'c' => '' + 't' + 'a' + 'c'// tac
Want More Advanced JavaScript?
Check out: JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts.
Closing Notes
Thanks for reading! Hopefully you’re now able to follow a recursive function in JavaScript and understand how they work. I publish a few articles and tutorials each week, please consider entering your email here if you’d like to be added to my once-weekly email list.
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